
The Vision

A national long-term development blue-print to create a globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life by 2030, that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment.
The vision is anchored on three key pillars; economic, social and political governance.

Our Role: Deepening the Capital Markets

To promote long term investments and create a conducive environment to fund Vision 2030 through the capital markets.

Summary of Progress

1. Bond Market Reforms.

Automation of bond trading and Maturity lengthened to 30 years.
Law amended to allow OTC trading for government bonds and operational framework has been developed.
Demutualization of Nairobi Stock Exchange complete.

2. Develop new products & Services.

Some of the new products and services developed are Real Estate Investment Trust (REITS), the Growth Enterprise Segment ( GEMS ).
The Capital Markets master plan steering committee launched. They will strategize and develop a ten year master plan for the capital markets in the country and by extension the region.
The Capital Market Master plan is now a Vision 2030 flagship project under the deepening of Capital Market with the Capital Market Authority as the lead implementer.

To create access to capital markets, raise savings and investment rates and raise stock market capitalization.


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